Haplotype-resolved genome assembly of the tetraploid potato cultivar Desiree
Haplotype-resolved genome assembly of the tetraploid potato cultivar Desiree
Godec, T.; Beier, S.; Rodriguez-Granados, N. Y.; Sasidharan, R.; Abdelhakim, L.; Teige, M.; Usadel, B.; Gruden, K.; Petek, M.
AbstractCultivar Desiree is an important model for potato functional genomics studies to assist breeding strategies. Here, we present a haplotype-resolved genome assembly of Desiree, achieved by assembling PacBio HiFi reads and Hi-C scaffolding, resulting in a high-contiguity chromosome-level assembly. We implemented a comprehensive annotation pipeline incorporating gene models and functional annotations from the Solanum tuberosum Phureja DM reference genome alongside RNA-seq reads to provide high-quality gene and transcript annotations. Additionally, we investigated the genome-wide DNA methylation profile using Oxford Nanopore reads, providing insights into potato epigenetics. The assembled genome, annotations, methylation and expression data are visualised in a publicly accessible genome browser, providing a valuable resource for the potato research community.