On the Origin of $A$-type Antiferromagnetism and Chiral Split Magnons in Altermagnetic $α$-MnTe
On the Origin of $A$-type Antiferromagnetism and Chiral Split Magnons in Altermagnetic $α$-MnTe
Mojtaba Alaei, Pawel Sobieszczyk, Andrzej Ptok, Nafise Rezaei, Artem R. Oganov, Alireza Qaiumzadeh
AbstractThe origin of the $A$-type antiferromagnetic ordering, where ferromagnetic layers couple antiferromagnetically, in the semiconductor altermagnet $\alpha$-MnTe has been a subject of ongoing debate. Experimentally, $\alpha$-MnTe exhibits a nearest-neighbor in-plane ferromagnetic exchange interaction, whereas previous ab initio calculations predicted an antiferromagnetic interaction. In this Letter, we resolve this discrepancy by considering an expanded set of magnetic configurations, which reveals an FM in-plane exchange interaction in agreement with experimental findings. Additionally, we demonstrate that the 10th nearest-neighbor exchange interaction is directionally dependent, inducing a chiral splitting in the magnon bands, as recently observed experimentally. We further show that applying a compressive strain reverses the sign of the in-plane exchange interaction and significantly enhances the spin and chiral splittings of the electronic and magnonic bands, respectively. Our results highlight the critical importance of convergence in the number of magnetic configurations for complex spin interactions in antiferromagnetic materials.