Commissioning An All-Sky Infrared Camera Array for Detection Of Airborne Objects
Commissioning An All-Sky Infrared Camera Array for Detection Of Airborne Objects
Laura Dominé, Ankit Biswas, Richard Cloete, Alex Delacroix, Andriy Fedorenko, Lucas Jacaruso, Ezra Kelderman, Eric Keto, Sarah Little, Abraham Loeb, Eric Masson, Mike Prior, Forrest Schultz, Matthew Szenher, Wes Watters, Abby White
AbstractTo date there is little publicly available scientific data on Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP) whose properties and kinematics purportedly reside outside the performance envelope of known phenomena. To address this deficiency, the Galileo Project is designing, building, and commissioning a multi-modal ground-based observatory to continuously monitor the sky and conduct a rigorous long-term aerial census of all aerial phenomena, including natural and human-made. One of the key instruments is an all-sky infrared camera array using eight uncooled long-wave infrared FLIR Boson 640 cameras. Their calibration includes a novel extrinsic calibration method using airplane positions from Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B) data. We establish a first baseline for the system performance over five months of field operation, using a real-world dataset derived from ADS-B data, synthetic 3-D trajectories, and a hand-labelled real-world dataset. We report acceptance rates (e.g. viewable airplanes that are recorded) and detection efficiencies (e.g. recorded airplanes which are successfully detected) for a variety of weather conditions, range and aircraft size. We reconstruct $\sim$500,000 trajectories of aerial objects from this commissioning period. A toy outlier search focused on large sinuosity of the 2-D reconstructed trajectories flags about 16% of trajectories as outliers. After manual review, 144 trajectories remain ambiguous: they are likely mundane objects but cannot be elucidated at this stage of development without distance and kinematics estimation or other sensor modalities. Our observed count of ambiguous outliers combined with systematic uncertainties yields an upper limit of 18,271 outliers count for the five-month interval at a 95% confidence level. This likelihood-based method to evaluate significance is applicable to all of our future outlier searches.